Silicone Rubber Insulation Covers for Transformer Terminals


Silicone Rubber Insulation Covers for Transformer Terminals Customer from el Salvador purchased Silicone Rubber Insulation Covers for oil immersed transformer. Covering the terminals to prevent short-circuit caused by wildlife. He used some…

Waterproof Cold Shrink Tube for Telecom


In the mid-1960s, 3M invented cold shrink materials technology. The late 1980s, North America tried to apply Cold Shrink Tube to cable connector. In 1994, 3M cold shrink materials entered into the Chinese market. 1998 - 2002, cold shrink ma…

Permanent Identification Label for RRU


To identify the optical fibers and cables for telecom industry, identification labels are widely used. We keep receiving inquiries for the Permanent Identification Labels for RRU recently from contractors who take care of site maintenance.…

Volsun® Printable Cable Labels


Volsun Printable Cable Labels
  • Volsun Printable Cable Labels were approved by the major contractor of Vodafone in Sydney.
  • Permanent identification, thermal transfer and laser printer can both work.
  • Busbar Insulation Heat Shrink Tube


    Chinese government decided to invest 439 billion yuan to the power grid construction in 2016. The spring of power industry is coming. Especially for manufactures like Volsun Electronics which focus on insulation materials. Volsun Busbar Ins…
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