Your Specialist in Insulation & Sealing and Protection Solution

Focus on heat shrink tube, cold shrink tube, wire and cable identification labels, Volsun Electronics is your ideal choice for industry insulation, sealing and protection.

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As a professional manufacturer of cold shrink tubes, In the premise of quality assurance, Volsun has been making efforts to improve production efficiency in order to meet the expanding market demand.
With the rapid requirement of the cold shrink tube in the overseas market, we bought and adopted the automatic-packing machine to improve the packing efficiency of cold shrink tubes.
It is more efficient than hand-packing one by one.

With this automatic-packing machine, our workers just need to put the cold shrink tube on the conveyer belt, then the machine will seal the plastic bag automatically.
Compared with traditional hand-packing, the efficiency of the automatic packing machine can be increased at least three times.

Recently, we got the total quantity about 100,000 pcs silicone cold shrink tube order from Nokia, Ericsson and SK telecom in Korea. These cold shrink tubes are mainly used in telecom base station.
Our lead time will be shorter because of automatic-packing machine, then we can send the goods to customers as early as possible.

We believe that we can make greater achievements in future about cold shrink products.

Small cold shrink tube, but with big function, will connect a more wonderful world.

Please feel free to contact us for more details via

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