In the mid-1960s, 3M invented cold shrink materials technology. The late 1980s, North America tried to apply Cold Shrink Tube to cable connector. In 1994, 3M cold shrink materials entered into the Chinese market. 1998 - 2002, cold shrink material was recognized by the market, it had become China's most popular new technology products. 2006, Volsun Electronics start to produce the Cold Shrink Tube, and export to Australia at the same year.
Cold Shrink Tube is used for cable connection sealing mostly. The connection for feeder cable to jumper cable, the cable to antenna, the cable to surge arrester, all can be sealing by Cold Shrink Tube.

To solve this, Volsun Electronics developed EPDM Cold Shrink Tube. The tear strength and tensile strength are much stronger. What’s more, the UV resistant of EPDM Cold Shrink Tube is better than Silicone rubber. For outdoor application, EPDM Cold Shrink Tube will be the ideal choice.

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